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3500/05 System Rack
Time:2023-10-30 09:00:57   View count:


Usethe3500System rack to mount all3500monitor modules and power supplies. Therack allows you to place3500 modules near oneanother, enabling them to easily communicate, and to mount power supplies necessary to distributepower to each module.

3500 racks are available in two sizes:

Full-size rack. 19-inch EIA rack with 14availablemoduleslots. Mini-rack. 12-inch rack with seven availablemoduleslots.

You can order 3500 racks in three formats:

Panel mount. This rack format mounts to rectangular cutouts in panels, and secures to thepanelusing clamps supplied with therack. Wiring connections and I/Omodules areaccessiblefrom therear oftherack.

Rack mount. This rack format mounts the3500Rack on 19inch EIA rails. Wiring connections and I/Omodules are accessiblefrom therear oftherack.

Bulkhead mount. This rack format mounts therack against a wallor panelwhen it is not possibleto access therear ofthe rack. Wiring connections and I/Omodules areaccessible from thefront oftherack. The3500/05Mini-Rack is not availablein this format.

Thepower supplies and rack interfacemodulemust occupy thefar-left rack positions. Theremaining 14rack positions (seven rack positions for themini-rack) areavailablefor any combination ofmodules.
