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Contact: YMGK Industrial Control

Phone: +86 18059884790


Add: No. 9, 14th Floor, Building 42, Hongshan Lake Road, North Street, Xixiu District, Anshun City, Guizhou Province, China

3300XL 8mm Proximity Transducer System Datasheet
  • Warehouse: Spot
  • Warranty: 365 days
  • Quality: Original module
  • Condition: New / Used
  • Shipping method: Courier delivery

  • Contact person: Linda
  • Contact number: +86 18059884790
  • WeChat:18059884790
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Product Description

3300XL8mm Description

The3300XL8mm Proximity TransducerSystem consists of:

3300XL8mm probe,

3300XLextensioncable1, and





Thesystem provides anoutput voltagethat is directly proportional tothe distancebetweentheprobetipandtheobservedconductivesurface andcanmeasurebothstatic (position)anddynamic (vibration)values. Thesystem’s primary applications arevibrationandposition measurements onfluid-film bearingmachines, as well as Keyphasor referenceandspeedmeasurements3.

The3300XL8mm system delivers themost advancedperformancein oureddy current proximity transducersystems. Thestandard3300XL 8mm 5-metersystem alsofully complies withtheAmericanPetroleum Institute’s (API)670Standard(4thEdition)formechanical configuration, linearrange, accuracy, andtemperaturestability. All 3300XL8mm proximity transducersystems providethis level of performanceand support completeinterchangeability of probes, extensioncables, and Proximitorsensors, eliminatingtheneedtomatchorbenchcalibrate individual components.

Each3300XL8mm TransducerSystem component is backward compatibleandinterchangeable4 withothernon-XL3300series 5mm and8mm transducersystem components5. This compatibility includes the33005mm probe, forapplications inwhichan8mm probeis too largefortheavailablemountingspace6,7.

Proximitor Sensor

The3300XLProximitorSensorincorporates numerous improvements overprevious designs. Its physical packagingallows youtouseit in high-density DIN-rail installations. Youcanalsomount thesensorina traditional panel mount configuration, whereit shares anidentical 4-hole mounting“footprint”witholderProximitorSensordesigns. The mountingbaseforeitheroptionprovides electrical isolationand

The Bentley 3500 system in the United States is used for vibration monitoring and protection of large machinery. The Bentley 3500 system must be equipped with a rack 3500/05, power supply 3500/15, and rack interface module 3500/22M,

350022M -1.jpg

Bently3500 Bentley power supply high-voltage AC 220V, with the following spare parts

127610-01 AC power module

125840-01 High Voltage AC Power Input Module (PIM)

125840-02 Low Voltage AC Power Input Module (PIM)

129486-01 High voltage DC power supply module

129478-01 High Voltage DC Power Input Module (PIM)

133292-01 Low Voltage DC Power Supply Module

133300-01 Low Voltage DC Power Input Module (PIM)

0172025 Backup fuse (two types of AC PIM and high-voltage DC PIM)

0172045 Backup fuse (low-voltage DC PIM)

129767-01 Power Operation and Maintenance Manual


The ordering information and model introduction for Bently 3500/15 power supply are as follows:

3500/15-AXX-BXX-CXX Option Description

A: Power type (upper slot)

01 Low voltage AC (85-132 Vac rms)

02 High Voltage AC (175-264 Vac rms)

03 High voltage direct current (88-140 Vdc)

04 Low voltage direct current (20-30 Vdc)

05 Universal AC power supply (85-264 Vac rms) (new)

B: Power type (lower slot)

00 No power supply (only used when a single power supply is required)

01 Low voltage AC (85-132 Vac rms)

02 High Voltage AC (175-264 Vac rms)

03 High voltage direct current (88-140 Vdc)

04 Low voltage direct current (20-30 Vdc)

05 Universal AC power supply (85-264 Vac rms) (new)

C: Approval Unit Options

00 None


02 ATEX/IECEx/CSA (Class 1, Zone 2)

CN China

The specific models are as follows:

3500/15 (front panel 127610-01, back panel 125840-01)

3500/15-02-02-00, both upper and lower slots are installed, so it is a dual power supply,

3500/15-02-00-00, installed in the upper slot, not in the lower slot, therefore it is a single power supply

3500/15-05-05-00, both upper and lower slots are installed, so it is a dual power supply

The following is the upgraded 3500/15 universal AC power module:

3500/15 (front panel 106M1079-01, back panel 106M1081-01)

3500/15-05-05-00, both upper and lower slots are installed, so it is a set of dual power supplies

3500/15-05-00-00, installed in the upper slot, not in the lower slot, therefore it is a single power supply set

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