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Product Description

DS200AAHAH1A Technical Specifications

ManufacturerGE General Electric
SeriesMark V
Part NumberDS200AAHAH1A
Product TypeARCNET Connection Board

IS215UCVEM09B.2020.03.23. (2).png

Product Description

The DS200AAHAH1A is a GE ARCNET Connection Board (AAHA) for the Mark V LM series of Speedtronic hardware.

The DS200AAHAH1A is a PCB that has the ability to act as an interface unit that can link various I/O cores or external devices to the <R> Control Engine. The AAHA provides a connection to the ARCNET. There are two AAHA boards used in the <R> core. One acts as a go-between for the <R> core and user interfaces. The APL connector links this board to a UCPB daughterboard that is located on a UCIA board in the <R> core. The second acts as a way to connect a COREBUS to the <R> core. It also facilitates communication between I/O cores and the <R> Control Engine that’s in the <R> core. The APL on this board connects to a PANA daughterboard.

The DS200AAHAH1A is a small PCB that has 3 communications ports on the top side. The left port isn’t used very often and is labeled as an EBNC port. Beside of the EBNC are ARCBNC-A and ARCBNC-B ports which are connections for ARCNET communication. On the bottom right-hand-side is a 2-pin 2PL connection port. In the center is an APL 10-pin connection port. This port has the ability to provide a method of communication with boards that have ARCNET drivers and are located in the <R> core. On the bottom left side in the corner is a 9-pin EPL connection that is also not used.

For more information about the DS200AAHAH1A, please refer to GE Instruction Manual: GEH-6363B.

Frequently Asked Questions about DS200AAHAH1A

What is DS200AAHAH1A an interface for?

DS200AAHAH1A is an ARCNET Connection Board and provides the interface connection for ARCNET data. This AAHA card does so by linking the < R > Control Engine with the I/O cores and external devices.

What is the APL connector on DS200AAHAH1A?

The APL connector on DS200AAHAH1A is the ARCNET communication link between itself and the boards containing the ARCNET driver. APL is the only plug connector on DS200AAHAH1A.

What kind of connectors does DS200AAHAH1A have?
DS200AAHAH1A has two BNC connectors for ARCNET communication with DS200AAHAH1A.

What size box would a DS200AAHAH1A ship in?

The ideal sized box would be one that can also fit the factory package from the AAHA board if it still remains. With that considered, a 12x12x12 inch box would adequately protect the card but not have too much extra space. 

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