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The3500/44MAeroderivitiveGTVibration Monitor is a fourchannelinstrument designed for aeroderivativegas turbine applications. It:
•Continuously monitors machinery by comparing monitored parameters against configured alarm setpoints to drivealarms
•Communicates essentialmachineinformation for both operations and maintenancepersonnel
The3500/44M's Aero GTI/Omodules interfaceto Velomitor sensors and accelerometers through Bently Nevada interface modules. Themonitor uses theProx/Velom I/Oto interfaceto our .
Using the3500Rack Configuration Software, you can configurethe3500/44MAeroderivitiveGTVibration Monitor for thefollowing filter options:
•1Xvibration tracking
•Band-pass vibration
The3500/44MAeroderivitiveGTVibration Monitor accepts input from two separateKeyphasor signals, allowing each channelpair to usea different tracking filter.
You can configuremultimodechannels to haveup to eight sets ofalarm parameters including alert and danger setpoints and alarm timedelays. Each set may beconfigured for a specific machinemode.
As themachinechanges modes, themonitor can switch to a specific set using contacts on multimodeI/Omodules or softwarecommands through a communications gateway.