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3500/60 and 3500/61 Temperature Modules
Time:2023-10-30 09:20:51   View count:


The3500/60& 61modules providesixchannels of temperaturemonitoring and accept both Resistance TemperatureDetector (RTD) and Thermocouple(TC) temperatureinputs. Themodules condition theseinputs and comparethem against user-programmablealarm setpoints. The3500/60and 3500/61provideidenticalfunctionality except that the3500/61provides recorder outputs for each of its sixchannels whilethe3500/60does not.


Theuser programs themodules to perform either RTDor TC temperaturemeasurements using the3500Rack Configuration Software. Different I/Omodules areavailablein RTD/TCnon-isolated or TCisolated versions. Theuser can configuretheRTD/TCnon-isolated version to accept either TC or RTD, or a mixtureofTCand RTDinputs. TheTCisolated version provides 250Vdc ofchannel-to-channelisolation to protect against externalinterference.


When used in a TripleModular Redundant (TMR) configuration, temperaturemonitors must beinstalled adjacent to each other in groups ofthree. When used in this configuration, thesystem employs two types ofvoting to ensureaccurateoperation and to avoid single-point failures.
