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3500/62 Process Variable Monitor
Time:2023-10-30 09:21:50   View count:

The3500/62 Process VariableMonitor is a 6-channelmonitor for processing machinecriticalparameters that merit continuous monitoring, such as pressures, flows, temperatures, and levels. Themonitor accepts +4to +20mA current inputs or any proportionalvoltageinputs between -10 Vdc and +10Vdc. It conditions thesesignals and compares theconditioned signals to user-programmablealarm setpoints.


The3500/62 monitor:


Continuously compares monitored parameters against configured alarm setpoints to drivealarms for machinery protection.


Provides essentialmachineinformation for both operations and maintenancepersonnel.


You can program the3500/62 using the3500Rack Configuration Softwareto perform either current or voltage measurements. The3500/62 offers I/Omodules for three signalinput scenarios: +/-10Volts DC, isolated 4-20mA, or 4- 20mA with Intrinsically Safezener barriers. TheInternalBarrier I/Oprovides externalpower input terminals to provide intrinsically safepower to the4-20mA transducers


When used in a TripleModular Redundant (TMR) configuration, you must installProcess VariableMonitors adjacent to each other in groups ofthree. When used in this configuration, themonitor employs two types ofvoting to ensureaccurateoperation and to avoid loss ofmachinery protection dueto single-point failures.


TripleModular Redundant (TMR) Units areno longer availablefor purchase.
