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Bently Nevada 3500/25 Enhanced Keyphaser Module
  • Warehouse: Spot
  • Warranty: 365 days
  • Quality: Original module
  • Condition: New / Used
  • Shipping method: Courier delivery

  • Contact person: Linda
  • Contact number: +86 18059884790
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Product Description

Bently Nevada 3500/25 Enhanced Keyphaser Module

The Bently Nevada Enhanced Keyphaser Module is a half-height, two-channel module used to provide Keyphasor signals to the monitor modules in a 3500 rack. The module receives input signals from proximity probes or magnetic pickups and converts the signals to digital Keyphasor signals that indicate when the Keyphasor mark on the shaft coincides with the Keyphasor transducer. The 3500 Machinery Protection System can accept up to four Keyphasor signals for normal configuration and up to eight Keyphasor signals in a paired configuration.

The Enhanced Keyphasor Module is an improved 3500 system module. It offers expanded Keyphasor signal processing capabilities over the previous design while maintaining complete downward-compatibility in terms of form, fit and function with existing Keyphasor modules for use in legacy systems. The Keyphasor module, PWA 125792-01, is completely replaced by the updated 149369-01 module.



  • Half-height, two-channel module
  • Accepts up to two transducer signals
  • 3.2 Watts typical power consumption
  • Input signal range:
    • +0.8V to -21.0V (Non-isolated I/O modules)
    • +5V to -11V (isolated I/O modules)
  • Two buffered Keyphasor outputs
  • 504Ω maximum buffered output impedance
  • -24 VDC, 40 mA maximum per channel power supply
The Bently Nevada 3500/25 is an enhanced keyphasor module within the 3500 Machinery Monitoring System12.

Basic Introduction

  • Module Type1: It is a half-height, two-channel module, which means it occupies relatively little space in the 3500 rack and can perform dual-channel keyphasor signal processing.
  • Function2: The 3500/25 is mainly used to provide keyphasor signals to other monitor modules in the 3500 rack. It receives input signals from proximity probes or magnetic pickups and converts them into digital keyphasor signals when the keyphasor mark on the shaft aligns with the keyphasor transducer.

Technical Specifications12

  • Power Consumption: The typical power consumption is 3.2 watts, which is energy-efficient and helps to reduce the overall power consumption of the monitoring system.
  • Input Signal Range: For non-isolated I/O modules, it is +0.8 V to -21.0 V; for isolated I/O modules, it is +5 V to -11 V.
  • Output: It has two buffered keyphasor outputs with a maximum buffered output impedance of 504 Ω. The front of the rack is equipped with two coaxial connectors for buffered keyphasor outputs, and the back of the rack also has two buffered keyphasor outputs with euro style connections.
  • Power Supply: It provides a -24 VDC, 40 mA maximum per channel power supply for keyphasor transducers.

Operational Features2

  • System Compatibility: For a regular setup, the 3500 machinery protection system can accept up to four keyphasor signals, and for a paired configuration, it can accept up to eight. In triple modular redundant (TMR) applications, two keyphasor modules are usually used and they work in parallel to provide primary and secondary keyphasor signals to other modules in the rack.
  • Mounting Requirement: The main module needs 1 half-height front slot. When mounting in full-height slots, a special mounting adapter is required for half-height main modules. The I/O module needs 1 full-height rear slot.


The 3500/25 is widely used in various industrial fields where rotating machinery is involved, such as the oil and gas industry, power generation plants and chemical industry. It plays a vital role in monitoring the rotational speed and phase of shafts in turbines, compressors, pumps and other equipment, helping to ensure the safe and stable operation of the equipment and the entire production process.
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