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UAZ3222-A RELIANCE servo power supply
  • Warehouse: Spot
  • Warranty: 365 days
  • Quality: Original module
  • Condition: New / Used
  • Shipping method: Courier delivery

  • Contact person: Linda
  • Contact number: +86 18059884790
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Product Description

UAZ3222-A RELIANCE servo power supply


Programmable logic controller (PLC) has the characteristics of clever structure, flexible and convenient hardware configuration, high reliability, strong anti-interference ability, easy to learn and use, has been widely used in all walks of life as a universal automatic control device. The course "Principle and Application of PLC" has become a professional course covering a wide range in engineering colleges. As the school how to cultivate high-quality applied PLC talents, it has become the focus of attention of society, schools, teachers and parents. Based on years of teaching practice, I propose the following suggestions for the improvement and coordination of various factors affecting the training of PLC talents:

I. Investment in teaching and practice equipment. In the practical teaching of PLC course, the knowledge of machinery, electrician, electronic, hydraulic, pneumatic and computer should be organically connected with PLC technology, expand the proportion of practice and training hours, gradually increase the investment of school related equipment, establish a relatively complete PLC technology simulation training room, so as to create good conditions for the practical teaching of "PLC simulation project development". Teaching practice has proved that only through the practical training of PLC simulation project, let the students personally programming, actual wiring and simulation debugging, and to analyze and improve the problems encountered in the operation process, in order to truly cultivate students' innovative thinking and comprehensive vocational ability, and truly realize the final teaching goal of "zero distance to work" in the field of PLC technology application after graduation.

Ii. Theoretical, experimental and practical teaching. The first task of any course teaching activities is to stimulate students' interest in learning, also in PLC teaching to stimulate students' interest is not difficult, the important thing is to let students continue to improve, continue to experience the joy of success, so as to always maintain their strong interest.

1. The primary task of theory class is to let students know what PLC is. What can PLC do? How to do that? Teachers can use a simple, visual example (e.g. The complete explanation, operation and demonstration of the long motion control of the motor), first let the students understand the PLC control system including the main circuit and the control circuit, the PLC external hardware connection and the internal software programming two basic links only act as the control circuit part, let the students understand the overall composition of the PLC control system and the working process. On this basis, the two basic links of external hardware connection and internal software programming are explained in depth, so that students can compare the overall grasp of the relay contactors control system of the course, clarify the central task of the course, and have the motivation to learn with the goal.

In the course of theory teaching, multimedia teaching means should be used, and a variety of computer technologies should be used to make electronic courseware with PPT as the main body. With the help of multimedia technology, vivid pictures and beautiful music can attract students' attention, stimulate students' interest in learning, and improve the efficiency of teaching. PLC external wiring (including the main circuit wiring) first talk about schematic diagram, combined with experiment, practical training, practice to explain the assembly drawing and the actual line diagram, to let students experience the schematic diagram in the classroom, experimental wiring and practical training, the connection between the connection and the practice, teach students to be good at theory and practice, to guide practice, practice to verify the theory.

At present, the popular programming software of Mitsubishi PLC is FXGP_WIN-C and GXDeveloper. FXGP_WIN-C has no simulation function and lacks intuition in theory teaching. However, GXDeveloper programming software equipped with GXSimulator6-C has simulation function. The use of simulation in the explanation of programming devices, instructions and programming examples can enhance intuitiveness and facilitate students' understanding. For the inspection and writing of some programs, students can not go to the laboratory, but directly use the computer room of the school combined with the simulation function of the software to complete, which not only enhances students' ability to learn independently, improves their interest in learning, but also improves the efficiency of learning. Students do not have to go into the laboratory to make the theory teaching and experimental teaching synchronous, greatly improve the teacher's teaching effect and students' understanding and acceptance ability.

2. Experimental, practical training and computer courses can adopt independent learning mode. Independent learning is a kind of learning mode in which learners can freely choose learning objectives, learning contents and methods according to their own conditions and needs under the macro-control of the overall teaching objectives and under the guidance of teachers, and complete specific learning objectives through self-regulation learning activities. Independent learning is inseparable from teachers' timely guidance and evaluation. Only with teachers' timely help can students continuously complete one experiment and training project after another, gain a greater sense of achievement and increase their motivation for independent learning, so as to ensure the benign development of independent learning. In addition, teachers must combine the process of theoretical courses with the experimental and practical training equipment to write the experimental and practical training instructions for students at different levels from the simple to the deep and gradually, so as to provide strong theoretical support for students' independent learning.

3. Comprehensive practical training is the most important link of PLC course. It is necessary to arrange enough time for training, but also to improve the efficiency of practical training, comprehensive consideration of the differences of individual students. In the practical training, students are grouped according to individual differences in accordance with the principle of more effort and common improvement. Each group chooses the practical training content with different control requirements according to their own abilities. According to the control requirements, programming, debugging, fault diagnosis and elimination are carried out. This method can flexibly solve the problem of mutual restriction of students' ability differences, but also cultivate students' ability of division of labor and teamwork.

Iii. Performance evaluation mechanism. It should be made clear that the grade evaluation is not the ultimate goal of teaching behavior, but should be used as a method to motivate students to learn, and the grade evaluation should be timely, fair and operable. 1. Theoretical scores include written test scores, daily scores and experimental scores. The written test scores assess students' mastery of basic knowledge of PLC through open book or closed book; Grades are assessed by the quality of homework, attendance in class, ability to solve problems in class and innovative methods. 2. The evaluation of experimental and practical training results should reflect the competition mechanism, which can be divided into two situations according to different task requirements: first, the score should be evaluated according to the completion speed on the premise of ensuring the completion quality; Second, ensure the premise of unified time, according to the quality of the completion of the score. The teacher only evaluates the score of each team according to the completion quality or speed, and the score of each team member is scored according to the score given by the teacher through the democratic evaluation of the team, so as to promote the enthusiasm and initiative of each team member and cultivate the sense of teamwork of students.

4. Study in school and exercise outside school. Compared with the PLC knowledge and skills students learn in school and the PLC control system in the actual job, there is still a certain difference or gap. Students will encounter some difficult problems in the job after employment, which requires schools and teachers to strengthen the guidance of students' graduation work process. To make the solutions of these problems into typical cases to explain to the students, it is also a good accumulation of experience for the students. After employment, students should constantly communicate with school teachers and consult experienced teachers in order to master the design and application of PLC control system.

In short, as a school, only by achieving collaborative optimization in the above aspects can we truly cultivate high-quality applied PLC talents.

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