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Phone: +86 18059884790


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ProSoft MVI56E-MCM Enhanced communication module
  • Warehouse: Spot
  • Warranty: 365 days
  • Quality: Original module
  • Condition: New / Used
  • Shipping method: Courier delivery

  • Contact person: Linda
  • Contact number: +86 18059884790
  • WeChat:18059884790
  • E-mail:

Product Description

ProSoft MVI56E-MCM Enhanced communication module

ProSoft MVI56E-MCM Enhanced communication module. MVI56E Modbus Master/Slave Enhanced Communication modules (MVI56E-MCM, MVI56e-McMxT) allow Rockwell Automation ControlLogix processors to easily connect with devices using the Modbus RTU/ASCII serial communication protocol.

Product features:

Backward compatible MVI56 series: Direct replacement without changing existing controller programs

Scrolling display: Improve status and diagnostic visibility

Ethernet configuration port:

1. Hyperterminal is no longer required

2. Configure using an Ethernet port or CIPconnect®

3. Remote diagnosis

CIP connection:

Use ControlLogix's backboard bridge feature to allow modules to be configured via 1756 EtherNet/IP modules

Communication solution:

1.Modbus Serial Master/slave (MVI56E-MCM)

2. Reduce data blocks by Modbus TCP/IP (MVI56E-MNETR)

3.Modbus TCP/IP Client (MVI56E-MNETC)

4.Modbus TCP/IP Client with Reduced Data Block(MVI56E-MNETCR)

5. Universal ASCII Serial port (MVI56E-GSC)

6. Flnet (MVI56E-FLN)

Mobile module integration

ProSoft Discovery Service: Used for simple initial IP address configuration

ProSoft Configuration Generator (PCB) :

1. Configure and test software tools for the MVI56E module

2. Diagnose the GUI in detail

Personality module: All module configuration files are stored in the CF card to assist your Dr Plan


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