Product Description
The General Electric DS200FCGDH1 is a gate distribution and status card. Developed for GE’s Mark V series of boards, this card can be accessed using the VME board on a number of GE drives and exciters. When installed, this board acts as an interfacing medium for a six-pulse phase-controlled non-reversing bridge. Information on SCR firing from the digital signal processing card is received by the this board. Feedback and diagnostics received in these signals is then returned using the VME backplane. As it interacts with the VME system, this board should be installed into the VME rack that also houses the DSPC (digital signal processing card).
A wealth of information is passed through the DS200FCGDH1 board. Once data has been received, the board works to decode and distribute the cell gating signals needed for each bridge leg. In turn, bridge legs send back a multiplexed cell status signal. Feedback signals are also transmitted to and scaled by this board. These signals are received via fiber optic connections to three FGPA boards. After decoding feedback, all voltage, frequency, and status information is relayed back to the DSPC board. When the system heartbeat is normal, a green LED IMOK (I am okay) indicator will be illuminated on the board.
DS200FCGDH1 as well as the drive it uses have installation parameters that should be met. By following these, accident risks and device damages are greatly limited. For a complete guide to installing and wiring the board to its new drive, please refer to the series manual as well as the device datasheet. The manufacturer of the Mark V series, General Electric, originally provided technical support for this device.
AX Control’s trusted sales team is happy to help with all of your DS200FCGDH1 needs. For current prices on this and other parts and repairs, please email or call our office to speak with a member of our staff.