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  • Warranty: 365 days
  • Quality: Original module
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Product Description

DS200GSIAG1C Technical Specifications

ManufacturerGE General Electric
SeriesMark V
Part NumberDS200GSIAG1C
Product TypeCommon DC Bus Regenerative Card


Product Description

The GE Common DC Bus Regenerative Board DS200GSIAG1C contains three 40-pin connectors, two 16-pin connectors, and 6 jumpers. The board also has 1 8-pin connector, and multiple test points.  The GE Common DC Bus Regenerative Board DS200GSIAG1C might be connected to multiple cables in the drive and so if you need to replace the board you might want to examine the board and note where the cable are attached before you unplug the cables. Attach a note describing where each cable is connected on the board before you disconnect them.  All the connectors have a letter and number code associated with them. Use the  letter and number code to know where to connect the cable on the replacement board.


The replacement board might be a later version of the same model board and so will have all the improvements available at that time engineered into the version. The location of the components might be in different locations on the board. It will function the same and will be compatible with all other boards connected to it. Even if the location of the connectors have changed the letter and number codes are the same. In that case, the descriptions of the connectors you attached to the cables will apply to the replacement board and it speeds up the replacement.

Use care when you disconnect or reconnect the cables and avoid damaging the other components on the board or bend connector pins. When you route the cables do not block the free flow of air that cools the boards.

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