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3500/70M Recip Impulse Velocity Monitor
Time:2023-10-30 09:28:13   View count:


The3500/70MRecip ImpulseVelocity Monitor is a 4-channel deviceused as part ofthereciprocating compressor solutions packageto monitor compressor crankcaseand crosshead vibration. Themonitor accepts input from seismic transducers, conditions thesignalto derivevibration measurements, and compares theconditioned signals with user-programmablealarms.


You can program each channelusing the3500Rack Configuration Softwareto perform thefollowing functions:




Acceleration 2


Recip Velocity


Low Frequency Recip Velocity


Themonitorchannels areprogrammed in pairs and can perform up to two of theaforementioned functions at a time. Forexample, channels 1 and 2 can perform onefunction whilechannels 3 and 4 perform anotherorthesame function.


Theprimary purposeofthe3500/70MRecip ImpulseVelocity


Monitor is to providethefollowing:


Machinery protection for reciprocating compressors by continuously comparing monitored parameters against configured alarm setpoints to drivealarms


Essentialreciprocating compressor machine information for both operations and maintenance personnel


Each channel, depending on configuration, typically conditions its input signalto generatevarious parameters called static values. You can configurealert setpoints for each activestatic valueand danger setpoints for any two of theactivestatic values.
