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5SHY4045L0006 3BHB030310R0001 IGCT - The Core of Power Conversion Technology
5SHX1060H0001/3BHL000392P0101 IGCT MODULE
CI857K01 3BSE018144R1
LDGRB-01 3BSE013177R1
PPD113-B03-20-110611 3BHE023584R2056
ACS580MV-PEBB-R3 Inverter power unit Power module
ABB PM665 processor module
CB2000 Capacitance bridge tester
GFD563A102 3BHE046836R0102 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
3AXD50000017375 Inverter power supply board
3EST125-975 DCC2382A Switch Insert the module
S-073N 3BHB009884R0021 High voltage frequency converter module
S-123H 3BHB030479R0512 High performance stepper driver
REL670 Line distance protection
REF615 relay protection device
500AIM02 Power Module
500CSP04 Power Module
500ITM02 Power Module
M3BM400LB 3GBM402520-ATA Electric machine
500BOM01 Power Module
500CPU03 Power Module